Transform your exams with Online Proctored Assessments to support invigilation in a virtual world

Introducing Online Proctored Assessments, improving the quality assurance of exams taken 100% virtually. With the last 12-months significantly changing the approach to work, training, exams, and assessments, it has meant many have had to reconsider exactly how they invigilate and moderate course examinations through online delivery.

Employers and training providers understandably seek the same robust and quality assured results from exams as they would expect when being invigilated in a face-to-face environment, but still require the flexibility for learners to complete their exams virtually, from home or remotely.

Covid-19 has accelerated online training and the delivery of virtual exam assessments, and we’re thrilled to now be supporting our centres and learners with online proctoring to protect the validity of exam results whilst providing flexibility for learners and avoiding disruption to course completions.

Online Proctoring, delivered by our provider Proctorio, is available across seven of the SFJ Awards exam-based qualifications and supports training providers to ensure that learners’ exam results are effectively invigilated.

How do Online Proctored Assessments work?

Online Proctoring, using the Proctorio plug-in, is installed onto your learner’s browser, and it effectively monitors a range of activities whilst they undertaken their exam. There is a complete guide for learners to install and set-up Proctorio ahead of their exams.

Online Proctored Exam for SFJ Awards Qualifications protects the robustness of exam results.

We’ll work closely with centres to support the delivery of online training so that you can deliver the best learning outcomes for our qualifications, and safely conduct online exams using a smart proctoring solution to effectively assess skills and competences.

After the last 12-months, we expect remote learning and online proctoring to be highly suitable for centres and learners as we navigate out of lockdown restrictions. Greater flexibility for training providers and learners, with the proper invigilation you’d expect from a face-to-face examination, means more people can engage with training and develop their skills by undertaking SFJ Awards qualifications.

Talk to the experts

Find out more about our tailored solutions to quality assure learning, qualifications and assessments. Talk to the SFJ Awards team about online proctoring.

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