Curriculum planning in a pandemic, why flexibility matters more than ever

Anticipating the trends in skills development and vocational training needs for the future workforce of tomorrow is a difficult task, even before a global pandemic impacts our every way of life. A new year, and with Spring just around the corner, now is often a time for looking ahead and considering the qualifications you may wish to offer to learners based on local employment or national trends. 2021 has started off with a newly familiar feeling of uncertainty, after months of lockdown and the recently announced roadmap to some form of ‘normality’.

It is vital that those delivering vocational qualifications, either colleges or training centres, are supported to plan not only for their teams and staff but for the types of learning and qualifications that will change in demand due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

When our centres are considering their curriculum plans for the year ahead and beyond, it may be important to consider the employability skills and qualifications of school leavers, considering the gaps in education and disruption to potential first-time employees who now may be considering vocational learning as a preferred route for training and jobs.

Custom Certification, from our team at SFJ Awards, provides approved centres with the opportunity to certify individuals for bespoke learning programmes, meaning complimentary training you may need to provide to supplement learning can be tailored to help learners develop their skills, quality assured from a recognised Awarding Organisation.

By providing a robust, certificated learning programme, you can support learners who need additional training to prepare them for future employment, some of which may have been missed due to gaps in education or life skills.

A combined approach to curriculum planning…

Bespoke Certification of Learning

Curriculum planning can now incorporate both regulated qualifications, and bespoke training which can be certified with a Certificate of Achievement, Certificate of Completion or Certificate of Attendance.

Lifelong learning is a continual need, particularly for those who may have been affected the most by a disruption to their education. With that in mind, a thorough Curriculum review and utilisation of bespoke Custom Certification can help ensure you have a robust range of learning and qualifications to provide to individuals who may not have previously considered vocational learning to gain the skills and qualifications needed for their desired careers.

Now, more than ever, we appreciate the notion that one size does not fit all, particularly with the need for more digitally mobilised learning solutions, and Custom Certification can allow centres and training providers to give greater flexibility for continued development for those shielding, learning remotely, or unable to attend face to face training. Custom Certification can help assure and certify learners with a recognised badge for all forms of online and virtual learning programmes including eLearning, Webinars, Virtual Events and much more.

We can also provide a complete Organisation Verification solution to audit and quality assure your organisational processes, certifying your business and providing recognised accreditation that you are providing the highest quality training, for better skills, better flexibility, and better jobs.

Contact us for support with your Curriculum planning, whether providing regulated qualifications from our suite of around 200 qualifications, or tailoring your programmes to support new requirements with Custom Certification.

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