Keith Fraser appointed as Non-Executive Director of Board

Keith FraserWe are delighted to celebrate the appointment of Keith Fraser as a Non-Executive Director of our board.

SFJ Awards is a nationally recognised and regulated awarding organisation and approved end-point assessment organisation for apprenticeships. As such, the SFJ Awards board is ultimately responsible for ensuring that SFJ Awards operate to the highest standards and is compliant with regulators’ requirements. Our board members have considerable business experience, as well as expertise across the sectors we work in and in education and learning.

Candace Miller, Managing Director, SFJ Awards says: “In the few months since joining, Keith has already made a fantastic contribution to the work of SFJ Awards. His excellent depth of experience, insight and understanding of the issues facing leaders and officers within the policing and wider criminal justice sector add real value to board discussions around the role that qualifications play in developing and recognising the skills needed for today and the future.”

Keith is the Chair of the Youth Justice Board for England and Wales (YJB), appointed by The Secretary of State on April 14, 2020, after becoming a member in January 2018. He is also an Advisor for the National Police Chiefs Council Digital Engagement Project for Young People, Chair of Employability UK, and a trustee on the Board of Sport Birmingham and the National Emergency Services memorial.

Prior to this, Keith was a Superintendent and Chief Inspector in the West Midlands Police, having joined the Metropolitan Police as a Constable, during which time he produced the 2016-19 Preventing Gang Involvement and Youth Violence strategy and was Head of Learning and Development for 13,000 staff.

Keith also produced the business plan for City of Wolverhampton council, where he was the Chair of the authority’s statutory Youth Offending Management Board. He led an innovative, preventative project, targeting over 7,000 young people, working with Sport England and was the Strategic Police Lead for the Princes Trust across the West Midlands.

Keith Fraser said: “I am proud to be a member of the board at SFJ Awards. After over 34 years working in the public sector, 32 of those as a Police officer and now working within the criminal justice board, I have a deep understanding of the pace of change and the skills required to equip people to deliver an effective service. I am passionate about ensuring that the right, highest quality qualifications are developed to achieve this.

“Hence, I am excited to have the opportunity to support the good practice and innovation of such a trusted Awarding Organisation as SFJ Awards. Their partner led approach, working closely with employers and training providers across the sector, delivers learners and centres with the qualifications they require to meet both their current and future workforce needs.”

Meet all of our board members here and follow Keith’s always inspired updates on Twitter here

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