Functional Skills Qualifications – Exceptional arrangements for summer 2020

Thursday 20th August 2020

SFJ Awards have released our first set of results under Ofqual’s Covid-19 Extraordinary Regulatory Framework for Functional Skills Qualifications. These results have been calculated using Centre Assessed Grades (CAGs).  

CAGs were used by Awarding Organisations to ensure that learners not able to sit the live assessments this summer due to Covid-19 restrictions have not been disadvantaged. The grade calculation process involved centres submitting standardised learner evidence, confirmed by the Head of Centre, with a rationale for either a Pass or Fail grade.

Our CAGs have been subjected to a rigorous quality assurance process by SFJ Awards whereby we have maintained constant contact with centres if and when further information was required. Should any learners be unhappy with their results, there are now opportunities to retake the live assessments and we ask learners to contact their centres if they have any questions.


Centres have the opportunity to appeal, in line with our Appeals Policy here, if they believe SFJ Awards did not apply procedures consistently, if procedures were not followed properly and fairly, or if SFJ Awards used the wrong data in calculating results, or if the result generated was incorrectly issued by SFJ Awards.

Applications for the initial appeal must be made by 18th September 2020 by completing our Appeals form here and submitting to

Please be assured that we are continually committed to support you in these challenging times and please don’t hesitate in contacting our team today for any queries you may have about this process, or additional support required.

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