End-point assessment FAQs

Questions about end-point assessment

What is end-point assessment?

The end-point assessment stage of an apprenticeship must be delivered by an organisation that has not been involved in the delivery of the training itself, and that is an approved end-point assessment organisation (EPAO).

How does an employer find an end-point assessment organisation?

EPAOs are approved by the Education and Skills Funding Agency (ESfA) and a quick search on the standard will provide a list of training providers and EPAOs.

How does an end-point assessment organisation work with training providers?

The Institute for Apprenticeships states that if an EPAO is approached to deliver end-point assessment by a training provider, they must request the details of the employer to meet with them and confirm arrangements directly with them.

Who decides if an apprentice is ready for their EPA?

The employer (and training provider, if involved) decides if an apprentice is ready for EPA.

How does an EPAO work with employers?

Approved EPAOs are subject to detailed conditions laid out by the Institute for Apprenticeships which state that EPAOs should promote their EPA service directly to employers and will be selected by the employer which whom they will agree a price for EPA.  The terms between the employer and EPAO must clearly state that the EPAO is delivering EPA on behalf of the employer.  The EPAO must not collude with training providers to avoid the requirement for the employer to select the EPAO.

What End-Point Assessments do you offer?

Here at SFJ Awards, we deliver and are an approved End-Point Assessment Organisation for: Operational Firefighter, Emergency Call Handler, Custody and Detention Professional, Police Community Support Officer, Intelligence Analyst, Fire Safety Advisor, Community Safety Advisor, Anti-Social Behaviour and Community Safety Officer, Youth Justice Practitioner, Peer Worker, and Non-Home Office Police Officer.

Who delivers the EPA?

We work with a range of experienced, qualified, independent end-point assessors who carry out the EPA for your apprenticeships. Supporting you through the process, and co-ordinating assessments to meet your needs, are our expert team, led by Head of Assessment, Kit Salt.

Do you organise the EPA for On-Call Firefighter apprenticeships?

Yes we do. You can find out more about On-Call Firefighter apprenticeships, the successful pilot scheme and our involvement through end-point assessment in our FAQs here.