Certificate of completion

The certificate of completion service helps you make the most of your learning and development programmes, giving learners clear recognition of their achievement, certified by a trusted awarding organisation.

Learner value is enhanced through the involvement of an independent and recognised quality assurance team.

Using our sector expertise, we will check and provide robust advice to ensure your learning outcomes, assessment criteria and processes are of high quality and meet the needs of your learners.

Key features and benefits

  • Benefit from advice from a regulated awarding organisation to ensure your development programme has clear learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
  • We review your internal quality assurance plans to give you and your learners confidence that it is robust and appropriate for your learners.
  • Provide learners who successfully complete your learning programme with a custom-designed certificate of completion, issued by a trusted and recognised awarding organisation.
  • Additional information about the certificate of completion:
    • Only available to SFJ Awards approved centres.
    • Clearly defined learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
    • Reviewed by SFJ Awards’ product development team and subject matter experts.
    • Clearly defined assessment methodology (centre to provide sample assessment materials).
    • Requires structured internal quality assurance procedures.
    • Annual quality checks by product development team and SFJ Awards EQA – programme will be reviewed with the centre and checks made on internal quality assurance processes.
    • Certificates will be released without EQA verification.

Apply today

Get in touch to find out more about assuring and certifying your programme.

Call: 0114 284 1970
Email: info@sfjawards.com

Download the brochure How to apply