Certificate of achievement

Our certificate of achievement service is appropriate for learning and development programmes that are highly tailored to your organisation. Designed with learners in mind, certificate of achievement recognises unique training programmes that are of a standard comparable to regulated qualifications, but where your preference is to retain full control over access to a bespoke programme that only you can offer.

Our experts will check and provide advice to assure you that the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and internal quality assurance processes you design are good quality and fit for purpose.

We will also undertake external quality assurance sampling before first certification, giving that vital additional tier of independent reassurance for you, and confidence for your learners.

Working with SFJ Awards’ support, you will be able to issue a custom-designed certificate of achievement to learners who have successfully completed your programme.

Apply today

Get in touch to find out more about the Certificate of Achievement for your learning programme.

Call: 0114 284 1970
Email: info@sfjawards.com

Key features and benefits

  • Gives you and your learners added confidence in the calibre of the learning and assessment processes within your development programme.
  • Our experienced team will check that the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and internal quality assurance processes within your programme are good quality and fit for purpose.
  • Assessments are subject to both internal and external quality assurance which is comparable to the approach associated with learners completing a regulated qualification.
  • Benefit from the added assurance of external quality assurance sampling by a trusted awarding organisation prior to first certification of your learners.
  • A custom-designed certificate of achievement, issued by a recognised and trusted awarding organisation, will be awarded to learners who successfully complete your learning programme.
  • Additional information about certificate of achievement:
    • Only available to SFJ Awards approved centres.
    • Clearly defined learning outcomes and assessment criteria.
    • Reviewed by SFJ Awards’ product development team and subject matter experts.
    • Clearly defined assessment methodology (centre to provide sample assessment, materials).
    • Requires structured internal quality assurance procedures.
    • Externally quality assured by SFJ Awards before certification is released.
    • Direct claims status can be applied by the External Quality Assurer (EQA) if they deem suitable.

The certificate of achievement service is exclusively available to SFJ Awards approved centres.
Find out more about becoming an approved centre.

Download the brochure How to apply