Level 3 Certificate in Fisheries and Marine Enforcement

About the qualification

Qualification Number: 601/2853/7

Operational Start Date: 1 April 2014
Total Qualification Time: 270 hours
Guided Learning: 105 hours

SFJ Awards Level 3 Certificate in Fisheries and Marine Enforcement

The objective of this qualification is to provide learners with the knowledge and skills to carry out the role of a warranted Marine Enforcement Officer (MEO) or Inshore Fisheries and Conservation Officer (IFCO).

What are the pre-entry requirements for the Level 3 Certificate in Fisheries and Marine Enforcement?

To undertake this qualification learners will need to be a warranted MEO or IFCO as appointed under the Marine and Coastal Access Act 2009 or working towards becoming warranted. Centres must also ensure that learners are able to complete this qualification, for example, through completing a skills scan to ensure they can work at the appropriate level.

For more information, download the Qualification Handbook here:

Download Handbook