Meet the SFJ Awards Team: Chelsea Littleton-Harper

Chelsea Littleton-Harper joined the SFJ Awards team in 2020, with previous experience working with Industry Qualifications (IQ). Chelsea joined the team as a Digital Resource and Engagement Officer, but she then moved into product development, becoming a Product Development Officer in October 2021.

We wanted to catch up with Chelsea, who is now a couple of years into her new role, to find out a bit more about how she contributes to supporting SFJ Awards approved centres and customers to develop skills, improve flexibility, and enhance jobs.

“As a Product Development Officer specialising in qualification, endpoint assessment, and custom certification, I assist my team in the evolution and enhancement of our products. I work as an architect behind the scenes creating, refining, and implementing qualifications, assessments, and bespoke certifications that align with industry standards and our SFJ Awards strategic objectives.”

Chelsea has a wealth of experience in learning, development, and education, which she demonstrates in her role when understanding and supporting centre and learner needs:

“In 2016, I entered the education sector as a customer service apprentice, diving into the intricacies of company operations by managing inquiries, resolving customer issues, and grasping our product portfolio. My enthusiasm for our offerings sparked an interest in the creative process behind their development, initiating my path towards product development.

“Supported by my team and SFJ Awards, I embarked on training courses that bolstered my skills. This dedication to learning enabled my progression to my current role.

“In my day-to-day role, I focus on the continuous upkeep of our existing product portfolio, ensuring its relevance and effectiveness. Simultaneously, I actively collaborate with various teams to bring forth innovative additions to our suite of offerings. This collaborative effort aims to enhance and expand our product repository, aligning with evolving market needs and maximizing our company’s impact within the industry.”

We asked Chelsea what she loves most about her role in the team at SFJ Awards, she added:

“In my role, what truly captivates me is the dynamic nature of product development. I love the constant challenge of balancing innovation with practicality, ensuring our offerings remain cutting-edge yet accessible. Collaborating across diverse teams fuels my passion—I thrive on the exchange of ideas and the collective effort to create solutions that truly impact our customers. Additionally, the opportunity to blend my insights from customer service with the intricacies of product development is immensely rewarding; it allows me to see the tangible effects of our work on both our company’s growth and the educational journeys of our learners. Ultimately, the ability to shape educational pathways and witness the direct influence our products have on learners’ success is what makes every day in this role incredibly fulfilling.”

We’re excited to see what Chelsea continues to do here at SFJ Awards:

“I’ve been fortunate to spearhead pivotal projects that have significantly impacted our offerings.

“Firstly, I played a crucial role in the Covert Surveillance Qualification Suite Revamp: I led the revision and redevelopment of our covert surveillance qualification suite, ensuring they remain at the forefront of industry standards. This comprehensive overhaul aimed to elevate these qualifications, embedding them with updated content and methodologies, ensuring they resonate with industry demands while providing learners with the best possible educational experience.

“Secondly, I have been very involved in the launch of our Online Assessment Portal. Collaborating closely with our systems team, I got to play a central role in the implementation of our new online assessment portal. This involved integrating our diverse product range into the system. This initiative paved the way for a seamless and enhanced assessment experience for both our centres and learners, embracing technology to offer innovative and efficient assessment solutions which we’re really excited to roll out to our centres.”

Want to find out more about how we can support your learning and development needs?

Get in touch with Chelsea or another member of the SFJ Awards team.

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