
Meet the SFJ Awards Team: Jane Robertson

"My role as Lead Qualifications and Product Development Officer in the Contracts and Products Team involves supporting the development, review and management of our qualifications, assessments and other accreditation products to ensure they are fit for purpose and meet our customers’ needs."

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Meet the SFJ Awards Team: Linda Affleck-Drimer

"One day at SFJ Awards is never the same as the next, the variety is what makes it so enjoyable as well as the team of friendly and supportive colleagues that I work with. In-between meetings I could be working on anything, resolving problems, answering centre questions, checking out financials, working with our Marketing team on new product launches, it’s a really vibrant and exciting place to work, we are all very busy but that’s what motivates me."

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Meet the SFJ Awards Team: Franco Mattiello

"I help our customers with identifying which of our products/services fit their requirements, alongside guiding and advising them on the process of working with us. This includes sending relevant information, answering questions, and giving them time and support via meetings and phone calls, to make their journey as smooth as can be."

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